📄️ Supported DEXs
The Moralis Token API seamlessly integrates with leading decentralized exchanges (DEXs) across multiple EVM blockchains, providing comprehensive support for token-related data.
🗃️ Spam Detection
4 items
📄️ Pricing Plans
In this guide, you will explore the various tiers and features of Moralis's pricing plans to find the perfect fit for your web3 development needs.
🗃️ NFT Metadata
4 items
📄️ DeFi Protocols & Chains
This article provides a comprehensive and continually expanding list of supported DeFi protocols and chains for the following endpoints:
📄️ NFT Marketplaces
This articles includes a growing list of supported NFT marketplaces within Moralis NFT API to provide you with extensive access to NFT trade data and sale prices across different marketplaces and chains.
📄️ Profitability FAQs
This article provides a set of FAQs for the following wallet and token PnL endpoints:
📄️ Verification for NFT Collections
What are Verified NFT Collections?
📄️ Entities and Labelling
Our API now supports Entities—representations of companies, organizations, and individuals (e.g., OpenSea, UniSwap, BlackRock, Elon Musk). This enhancement builds on our existing address labels feature, adding rich metadata and enabling advanced discovery capabilities.
📄️ Internal Transactions
Internal transactions in the context of blockchain refer to transactions that occur between smart contracts rather than involving the transfer of funds between external addresses. Unlike regular transactions initiated by users, internal transactions are interactions between different functionalities within the blockchain network.
📄️ Wallet History
Endpoint Overview
📄️ Transaction Labeling
The Moralis Transaction API automatically decodes raw transaction input data into human-readable events based on the functions and events defined within the associated contract ABI, such as "Transfer", "Approve", "Mint", "Deposit", etc.